Feriancová, Petra: Conclusion to the Book of Kveta Fulierová 2014



I do not like introductions nor conclusions, no one reads them, and they rarely add to the text's value. Please consider this short text as a little explanation, which could help understand the reasons for the creation of this book. I had initiated the first book Amo Amare because I deemed important to refer to the importance of love in Koller’s work. I consider the theme of love important also in relation to the interpretation of conceptual works of art, and I think I am not the only one. But mainly, and above all, I finally got the opportunity to get to know Květa Fulierová in person. And because we are both practical people, we wanted to use the time of our meetings purposefully and creatively. As we were introduced to each other by Petra Hanáková, and I knew that she had dealt with the personal relationship of Květa and Julo in multiple texts, I asked her to publish her text in the upcoming book. Peťa also helped to edit the book. Since then, our cooperation with Květa has turned into friendship, and now I almost cannot imagine a week when we would not call each other. I am always looking forward to coming over to Květa’s at Bazovského 3, sitting down on the couch, and discovering new visual variations to the theme of Květa’s sandwiches. Květa’s apartment is clean and rational. (Except for the light, which sometimes switches on by itself). Everything has its place here. Books are well-arranged in a way that they fill almost all little gaps, but only on their respective shelves. Yet I would have to look for many of the titles in really well stocked art bookshops. Květa’s apartment is the oasis of security and stability. The exact opposite of ours, where everything is always in motion. Even if I have never been at 5 Kudlákova street, Bazovského 3 became one of my most favorite addresses. Květa speaks about all objects in her apartment, whether it is a work of art, something she found, a souvenir or a gift. Every thing has a history. There are objects which have been there with us since birth, and there are objects which got to us somehow, or stayed with us. The objects do not represent only themselves, but also that which they mean to us. These denotations are what fascinates me so much in Květa’s world. Her stories about the pictures that Július gave her, and which she would not sell for anything in the world, even if she had already given away so much. His artworks dedicated to Květa have their exact place, which, it seems, cannot be anywhere else. Iconostasis in the real world. I believe that by moving them, they could vanish. It is a bit strange for me to read Koller’s correspondence adressed to Květa, but only Květa has the right to interpret that which belongs to her. Therefore, this book is cowritten by Květa and Július. After the great cooperation on Květa’s individual exhibition in amt_project, and the publishing of the successful book Amo Amare, it was necessary to keep going. Last summer, we organized an exhibition called Amo Amare, in the scientific institute Gran Sasso, which, inter alia, deals with nuclear astrophysics and it’s other departments, which also study the universe. Besides this fact, the exhibition was, as Květa has just pointed out to me on the telephone, a sort of return. A return of Květa and Julo to Italy, near Rome, where they had met years ago for the first time. This book is all Květa’s creation. It is her reaction to my invitation to continue talking about her big love for Julo, Julo’s love for her, and all that has created Květa’s world until today.

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